Q. Can I claim the cost of treatment through my private health insurance?

A. Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates (which are conducted by a Physiotherapist) will be claimable. The amount of cover will depend on your level/type of health insurance. For any other service provided at In 2 Physio, depending on your provider, you may be able to claim.

Q. What should I wear?

A. Depending on the type of session booked, you may need to remove some of your clothing. Loose shorts and a t-shirt are perfect for most treatments.

Q. Can I make a booking by email?

A.  You need to call our reception on 03 9936 0344 to make, change or cancel a booking.

Q. Do I need a referral from a specialist or doctor?

A. No referral is needed to attend. Depending on your condition, your treating practitioner may inform your doctor as a professional courtesy (with your consent).